Marco Grieco, Italy, 2013

Tour Dates: 19 June - 1 July, 2013

Born in Foggia (Italy), Marco Grieco obtained his diploma in piano at the "Umberto Giordano" Music Conservatory in Foggia with highest honors under the guidance of A. Drago.

Tour Dates
  • 19 June - 1 July, 2013

21 June, Suzhou Culture and Arts Center, 0512-62899875
22 June, Shanghai City Theatre, 021-54157496
23 June, Nanning Theater, 0771-4800390 / 4823340
26 June, Chenxing Concert Hall, Beihang University, Private Concert, 010-82317114
27 June, Mongmanwai Concert Hall, 010-62788104 / 62782334
29 June, Tianjin Grand Auditorium, 022-28351443/88354397

Born in Foggia (Italy), Marco Grieco obtained his diploma in piano at the "Umberto Giordano" Music Conservatory in Foggia with highest honors under the guidance of A. Drago.

During this period, he won a scholarship sponsored by the Conservatory, through which he took part in a master class given by Alexander Lonquich in Rhodes Garganico and held during the "Gargano festival," in which he performed at the final concert. He was also selected by the Director of the Conservatory for the initiative "Conservatories meet up" in which the best students of Apulian Conservatories performed at other Conservatories of the same region. For some years, he continued his studies privately with Pasquale Iannone and attended many seminars and courses in piano technique and interpretation with the following Professors: M. Mollova, (Sofia, Bulgaria), F.J. Thiollier ("Scuola del Trio di Trieste") A. Lonquich (Garganico Rhodes), M. Matarrese (Bari and Lucera).

Since 2008, he has won awards in more than 35 national and international music and piano competitions including: Caramanico Terme "Paolo Barrasso" 2008 (1st absolute prize with 100/100 and winner of international competition), "Prix Ars Nova" 2008 in Teramo (1st absolute prize with 100/100 and winner of international competition) "V.Bellini" 2008 in Gragnano (1st absolute prize competition), Massafra International Music Competition "Valeria Martina" 2007 (1st prize), Pontedera - International Music Competition "Toscana Classica" 2008 (2nd prize), etc.

Recently, he was on the podium at the International Piano Competition "Citta' di Cercola" (2nd prize – 1st prize not awarded), International Piano Competition "Rossomandi" in Bovino(3rd prize -1st and 2nd prize not awarded) and at the International Piano Competitions "Citta 'di Valentino" (2nd prize), "Citta' di Fasano" (2nd prize)," Ernesto Falla in Candelo (3rd prize) and the Tricase International Music Competition "La Vallonea" (1st prize), the International Music Competition "Rosa Ponselle" (1st Prize), the National Music Competition "Orfeo Stillo" (1st prize and special prize "Orfeo Stillo" as best pianist in the competition), the International Music Competition "Estro Armonico" in Ladispoli (1st Prize), the National Piano Competition in Magliano Sabina (1st Absolute Prize), the National Piano Competition" Citta' di Guardiagrele " (1st Prize), the European Competition "Luigi Denza (1st absolute prize), the International Music Competition "M. Grazia Vivaldi" in Montalto Ligure (1st absolute prize), the Pianistic Prize "Cecilia Pisano" (2nd prize), the International Music Competition "Don Vincenzo Vitti" (2nd prize), the International Music Competition "Citta 'di Asti" (2nd prize), the Internazional Music Competition "Citta' di Cervo" (2nd prize) and the International Music Competition in Padova.

He has performed at many important festivals and concert halls in Italy and abroad: London (St Martin in the Fields, as the first Italian to perform in the "Pianists of the world" series), New York (New York University - Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò),Bangkok (at the Goethe Institute Auditorium), Ohrid (Macedonia) -Festival "Ohrid Te Sakam", Leon (Spagna) - Eutherpe Hall, Milano (Puccini Hall -Società dei Concerti), Edinburgh (Edinburgh Society of Musicians, St Giles Cathedral and Scottisch Arts Clus), Bologna (S. Giacomo Festival), Crotone (Acam – Beethoven Society, Viterbo (Viterbo State University- Public Concert Season), Ravello (Villa Rufolo -Ravello Concert Society), Roana (Associazione "ArteMusica" - Easter Concert), Caramanico Terme (International Festival of Orfento Valley), Diano Marina (Im) - I Concerti della Rassegna del Golfo 2010, Rome (Music Festival of Nations at the Teatro di Marcello), Gorizia (Season "Gorizia Classica 2010", Forano ("Sabina Musica Festival 2010"- Friends of Music), Tivoli (Scuderie Estensi), Stresa (Grand Hotel Palace), Trieste (Auditorium Tartini), Teramo (auditorium Santa Maria in Bitetto), Venice (Palazzo Albrizzi), Milan (Circle" A. Volta, Residence Arzaga, Pio Albergo Trivulzio), Foggia (Association A.GI.MUS. Telethon Marathon and 1998), Bari (Auditorium St Fara's Church), Viterbo (Barracks Officers Club "Chelotti), Lucera (concert hall "Paisiello"), Siponto (Basilica of Santa Maria in Siponto) Manfredonia (Manfredonia Festival 2009 "in the cloister of San Domenico Palace) and in the 2009 Christmas concert given by Bruno Canino at the theater Perotto, etc.

On 7th February 2011, he made his Milan debut at the Conservatory "G. Verdi" for the "Concert Society" in the Season "Musical Meetings – The Best Italian Young Musicians." After that the president invited him again for 2012/2013 Season.

On 26th August 2011, he made his London debut with a solo piano recital at the prestigious hall "St Martin in the Fields" in the "Pianists of the World" series. The event attracted attention from all key local, regional and national media.

He gave master-classes in Thailand at Yamaha Music Academy and other institutions. He recently recorded a CD (works by Chopin and Liszt) produced and distributed by "ClassicaViva".

Upcoming engagements include solo recital in Leon - Closing Concert Eutherpe 2012 (Spain) and related interview for a professional magazine, "Ravello Concert Society" in Paris, Atelier Concert Series, South Africa Tour, Skopje Summer Festival etc.


" of the most interesting performers that Italian music has generated in the last years...young and established talent in the survey of the Italian classical music"

- Tra la Terra e il Cielo

"Endowed by expressive, elegant and controlled nature, he has performed important pages of the piano repertoire with great mastery."

- Messaggero Veneto

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